Combin: the Ultimate Instagram Marketing Tool!

How do you get real followers, real likes, and real comments on Instagram faster!?
So you have seen the news lately and realize that people have the job titles of “influencer” now? You look at the requirements and realize you are missing a part of your resume “strong following and engagement on Instagram”.
You think to yourself, well shoot… I don’t have an Instagram and if I do, how do I start from 0?!
Well my friends, that is where Combin comes into play.
A brief summary is that Combin automates a lot of the tedious work you have to do on platforms like Instagram to grow your followers and engagement(comments and likes). It is about as organic as Instagram in and of itself by means that a bunch of other people(probably millions) have had this same idea as you and also much start at 0. This helps you actually, if you do the proper steps, you can use each other to grow your base follower count while maintaining an active engagement rating that companies look for. This is of course if you are OK with the idea that the entire idea of people following people because they want follows and liking things so they get likes is a broken aspect of our society right now and a long road to pretty much nowhere that could disspear as fast as the next trend pops up.
Not worried?! Sweet, let’s jump into why I recommend Combin for you then!
To test Combin and it’s abilities I immediately made an Instagram for my new Kittens(@staccatoandcoda). Because who doesn’t want some free swag and litter for their furballs!? And who doesn’t already take a million photos of their babies when they are growing up? My problem was, with zero followers, I was basically just forming a glorified picture album. So how did I go from 0 followers to 600 with high engagement rate only 1 week later?!
So in a week my kittens are already borderline superstars! And anyone who tells you you can buy followers or buy likes is correct, however you will have no engagement and you will be fact checked by any company you may get in bed with for marketing.
So how does it work?
Well this is what it says on their website:
And to be honest it is pretty accurate. So how do you get started? First you download Combin from their website. Once you are inside, you can set parameters for what hashtags to search, users, location, you name it!
This allows you to really hone your search just as if you were in the Instagram app manually. This is really important because the next part starts the following, commenting, liking, and such. Which you will want to be targeted not just willy nilly to everyone on Instagram! But let me not get ahead of myself. Here is what a successful hastag search looks like, I chose tuxedocats since I knew other tuxedo cat owners would want to hit that like button and comment more than others(this is important, nothing is guaranteed, but if you do the work you will grow!
As you can see here, this brings up all the latest posts as picked by my choices in the last screen and hashtag! Now I will want to hit the like, comment, or follow button, but before I do that I will want to set some more settings! (once you setup your settings it remembers it for your search so you can just refresh to get new searches everytime)
I chose to Hide already liked, Hide Commented, Hide irrelevant users(not sure what that does, prolly activity based), hide my own posts(would be silly to comment on my own things), and hide from previous updates. With these settings, getting the next search up and going is super easy!
One last setting:
In tools>activites:
You will want to set it however you like, this worked best for me. Now let me tell you about the Intensity really quick.
Intensity is how fast you send a comment, a like, a follow, an unfollow. I keep it on Safe, because optimum and fast, both got my account a 24 hour ban. The problem with a new account is if you try to like and comment more than 500 things in a day, and you do it in a specific speed, instagram automatically puts a temp block on your account from doing any activity to stop… wait for it… bots. 😉
So be safe, and run it slow.
Now you need to set some canned comments ups:
The more the better. You want to give Instagram no reasons to think you are automating the stuff you would copy paste by hand anyway. And hit send and bam your tasks fill.
Something I wish this had is a way to group comments for separate Instagram accounts, so if you have a cat Instagram and a personal one, the comments you send can be grouped, instead of having to select each one individually.
And that is it! You are off to the races. In a week I had over 600 followers and average 5-20 comments and 150-250 likes per photo . This is about right for that amount of followers! Hell it is even a bit high for the average stats.
If I wanted I could toss follow and unfollow into my daily routine, and grow faster, but I don’t like that method. I would rather people see my Instagram because I commented or liked their stuff and they see content they enjoy and follow naturally. This keeps the engagement higher. Takes a little longer but I think it is worth it instead of following the same amount of people you follow.
So would I recommend this program? Hell yes. Is it silly for us to run programs like this that just grow our followers based on canned responses to each other, since the others are probably doing something similar, yes. But this is the world we live in, so might as well conquer the hell out of it without going insane if you want to do it yourself.
Key things to remember:
- It takes time.
- It is not guaranteed, these are real people, you have to have semi decent content to get engagement and follows.
- Do not use the faster methods in settings you will get a 24 hour ban, until you start to get more followers, then you should still keep it slow, just increase your daily limit a bit.
- Start at 250-500 actions a day, this included: following, commenting, liking. Otherwise you may get a 24 hour ban
- Use good hashtags and geo location so you target the right audience for your page!
- While yes, you are growing real followers, keep them engaged, if all you do is automate everything you will have a graveyard of followers before ya know it.
And have fun! Afterall, we are all just followers in the end.
Combin Plans and Pricing
Combin has 3 plans.

These plans are divided into Starter, Personal, and business. Now let’s check out each plan’s offering:
- 1 Instagram account management
- 50 search results for posts
- 50 search results for users
- 250 daily action limits
- Plan: Free.
- 1 Instagram account management
- 500 instant search results for posts
- 500 instant search results for users
- Search results refresh ability
- Unlimited in-app actions
- Auto-tasks
- DM and comments feed
- Plan: $10/Month
- 5 Instagram accounts management
- 500 instant search results for posts
- 500 instant search results for users
- Search results refresh ability
- Unlimited in-app actions
- Auto-tasks
- DM and comments feed
- Statistics
- Plan: $30/Month